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C. H. Booth Library Minutes
Regular Board of Trustees Meeting
October 11, 2011

Present: Dan Cruson, Tom D’Agostino, Carolyn Faxon , John Godin ,  Bill Lavery,  Bill McCarthy, Martin Margulies, Jennifer Reilly, Martha Robilotti,  Moira Rodgers, Michelle Rosenthal,  Peter Stern, and Janet Woycik and Brenda McCarthy

Absent: Colleen Honan, Mary Kelley, Mark Principi, Nancy Reidy, Paul Sirois, John Trentacosta

Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm

Consideration of Minutes: The minutes of the September meeting were
unanimously accepted. Bill Lavery moved to accept, Peter stern seconded.

Public Participation: None

President’s Announcements: Martha Robilotti, Board President, discussed the budget process.

Treasurer’s Report: Bill McCarthy, treasurer, presented and discussed the year-to-date financial statements and explained variances.  Mr. McCarthy also summarized the highlights of the recently completed audit.  He described it as a good, clean audit of library finances.

Report of the Library Director: Janet Woycik’s report was distributed by email.  Mrs. Woycik pointed out some highlights, including the upcoming replacement of the server.

Also, the Library’s neighbors will have roof work done, necessitating the temporary closure of the disabled access driveway.  The former disabled parking area at the bottom of the ramp will be reopened.  The town has been notified, and will be providing barricades for public safety.  The public will be notified via the newspaper.

Committee Reports:
Policies and Personnel: No report

Fund Raising: John Godin reported that the annual appeal letter has been updated and sent to the printer.

Turkey Trot changes and details are finalized, and the information was shared with the board.  The Turkey Trot committee will meet next week.  Board members are encouraged to continue soliciting sponsorships.

Building, Grounds, and Interior: Tom D’Agostino reported that the interior ceiling repairs from the winter damage are underway.

Recent storm damage has caused a delay in moving forward on exterior painting, as many contractors are quite busy.

Long Range Planning: No report

Friends of the Library Liaison: Peter Stern reported on the upcoming book collection day.  Volunteers will be needed, and board members are asked to give some time.

Art Liaison: Michelle Rosenthal reported that art displays are booked for November, March, April and May.  In December, the room is in use for holiday activities.

Historical Liaison: No report

Nominating Committee: No report

Old Business: None

New Business : None

Move to adjourn by Bill Lavery, seconded by Marty Margulies

Meeting adjourned at 7:44 pm.

Respectfully submitted,  
Jennifer Reilly,
Secretary, CH Booth Library Board of Trustees